Our recent family walks have featured collecting conkers and acorns. My daughters like to leave some as a gift for me on my desk.
As I contemplate them I am reminded that everything in nature and indeed business starts small. The giant oak and horse chestnut trees we walk past were once just tiny acorns or conkers.
The same is true in business. The global behemoths were once just an idea in someones head.
This is a time of forced or optional transition for so many. Is now the time to finally launch that business you have always dreamed of? Or to take on a new role more aligned with your values.
Too often we prevent ourselves taking the required leap of faith with negative self talk.
Having made a significant transition and started my own venture I too had to work through the perceived barriers. How will I compete against more established providers? Is there a market for a new venture in this crowded sector?
The reality is the negative narrative is invariably only playing out in our own heads. Clients are not concerned with our size, they look at the value we can deliver.
Take that first step, see what your business or new role can grow into.
We fear starting small, but everything starts small, it has to, even the giant oak tree!