I do not believe that anyone is able to maintain a permanent state of positivity with a fully empowered mindset that allows them to perform optimally every day.
I am a performance coach and have immersed myself in acquiring the knowledge, tools and strategies that help clients empower their mindset. Despite that insight, I recently found myself feeling flat. My energy was low and I felt lethargic and irritable. As somebody who prides himself on their positivity, I started to get frustrated at myself for feeling this way.
I asked myself, “With everything that is going on in the world, what right do I have to be feeling like this?”
The reality is that on certain days we can all find our mindset will become disempowered. We can feel our positivity draining away and subsequently our perspectives on everything in our lives can begin to change. Nobody is immune from these variations in our mindset, mood and energy.
In my recent experience, after a few hours I moved through the three tips I share below:
1)Do not get frustrated with yourself. This happens to all of us at some point, so beating yourself up for feeling down doesn’t serve you. Better to focus on steps 2 and 3.
2) Identify any triggers that have created this feeling and consider what actions are within your control to remove or address them. For example, is it a person or situation? Is it happening as a consequence of hunger or fatigue?
I recognised I was frustrated by the restrictions of lockdown. As a family, we fully support the rationale and have observed the lockdown regulations. As a consequence, it has been hard to have missed family birthdays and particularly to see how much my children miss playing with their friends. I recognised a cumulative frustration that was building as a consequence of our isolation.
Further, I also recognised I had not been exercising as regularly as I would like which always contributes to a change in my mood.
The first frustration was beyond my control, I recognised that I could not change lockdown so it was futile burning energy on this matter. That being said I resolved to focus on what I could control, to get back into the moment and embrace the positives of quality family time. We all went out for a walk and then cuddled up on the sofa to watch a movie together. Later that day I went for a jog.
3) Implement a strategy that starts to move you back into an empowered mindset.
I recommend a five point plan to my clients that enhance their mindset. You can find a video outlining those steps here.
I committed to several actions linked to the tips. By close of the day as a consequence of the steps taken I felt entirely different. My mindset was empowered, my positivity had returned and my energy was back.
The next time you feel yourself moving into a disempowered state I hope these tips help you change your state and return to an empowered and positive mindset.
I caveat this advice by acknowledging that these tips will not assist with more deep seated mental health issues. In those circumstances we urge you to seek specialist medical support.
For more information on how we can support you in the development of your mindset email us at hello@thelonelyleader.co.uk