In my personal experiences of leading people I have found humour to be a Leadership Essential. Here are four scenarios where humour can be used to positively impact staff and the wider organisation.
To be effective in leading people the leader must develop empathy and rapport with his/her team. Humour is a powerful tool to break down barriers and create that rapport particularly in the early stages of forming a working relationship.
During periods of adversity fear can create paralysis and procrastination in a team. It can act like a spell where all focus is dominated by external events or factors.
Humour can help break that spell, creating a ‘reset’ and galvanising the team into refocusing on taking the necessary actions that build momentum and help carry the team or organisation through the period of adversity.
Tensions can arise between staff in any organisation. Humour can be invaluable in allowing the leader to break the tension between individuals and help re-establish a harmonious working relationship.
The leader sets the tone within the organisation and is integral to shaping the culture. The dictatorial leader who pounces on mistakes and humiliates staff who perpetrate them creates a negative culture. Team members are fearful of innovation and experimentation as they do not want to incur the wrath of their leader.
Conversely leaders who are comfortable using self-deprecating humour to reflect on their own journey and mistakes humanises a leader. They show staff mistakes can and will happen, no one is immune. The key point is not to retreat into your shell to avoid making them. Rather to accept that they will occur, learn from them and critically ensure you do not make the same mistake twice!