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Writer's picture: James RuleJames Rule

I was fortunate to spend the early part of my career playing professional rugby union. For many years I was immersed in a world where preparation was everything. Every aspect of our training and match day performance was dissected and reviewed in groups and as individuals, so we could find ways to improve our performance.

We would also assess the strengths and weaknesses of our opposition in order to craft an appropriate game plan for our forthcoming match against them.

Once that was established we would spend hours rehearsing that plan and preparing out on the training field. I learnt that preparation is the key to high performance in elite sport.

These principles are echoed in the military, particularly in the Special Forces. Their teams spend countless hours rehearsing different scenarios so they are fully prepared to optimise performance.

Two quotes that I encountered studying the military really encapsulate this philosophy:

“Failure to prepare is preparing to fail”

“Proper planning and preparation prevents piss poor performance” Andy McNab

During my tenures as a CEO I drew upon my experiences in professional sport and preparation was something I embraced as a Leadership Essential. It permeated every facet of my role.

Areas where I believe preparation yielded enormous results include:

COMMUNICATION PREPARATION - All leaders communicate across a wide range of stakeholders. Preparation ensures impactful content and delivery of message.

DIARY PREPARATION - Demands on a leaders time are relentless. How time is allocated to tasks and individuals, whilst always retaining space for health and wellbeing is critical in facilitating high performance.

MEETING PREPARATION - Once something does land in the diary quality preparation is essential in raising the likelihood of a successful outcome to any meeting.

RECOVERY PREPARATION - Leaders need to protect themselves against mental or physical burnout by ensuring adequate time is given to how they recover. Sleep, nutrition and exercise all need adequate focus.

Quality preparation facilitated a noticeable boost in my confidence, another critical leadership trait which will be the focus of the next ‘Leadership Essential.’

How much time do you give to preparation, to being proactive rather than reactive?

If you would like to learn about how we support existing and aspiring leaders via our 'Leadership Accelerator Coaching Programme' please email

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