Every task, call and client deserve to receive the best version of you. To do this we need to maintain our energy and manage how we transition through our daily schedule.
We have all been there when we move on auto pilot from one item to the next on our never ending ‘To Do lists’. We make calls, send emails and attend meetings.
As a consequence, our energy steadily depletes through the day. In addition, we can carry the stress or frustration from one task into another compromising our delivery and the results we achieve as a consequence.
We fail to press ‘reset’ and recharge our mental and physical energy. Many of us do not even stop for lunch, preferring to eat at our desk and continue working!
I advocate to all of our clients to find their reset process. That may be a short walk or taking time out to enjoy a coffee and read, preferably away from your phone.
Whilst I have been working from home this has involved taking a twenty minute break to work on my golfing ‘short game.’ It gives me fresh air and clears my head by diverting my focus away from work issues. As a consequence, this simple practice re-energises me mentally and physically to return to my desk.
At first glance this feels like an indulgence. How can you break away when there is so much to do? That was certainly my old way of thinking.
I now recognise however that we have finite levels of energy and it is far harder to achieve the results we desire when fatigued. In addition, it is crucial to ensure we do not carry forward the pressure and stresses from one task into the rest of our schedule. Simply put ,we are trying to begin each task with a ‘clean slate.’
By finding a way to press reset you can maintain your energy and ensure you consistently bring the best version of you to every task you engage in.