Toxic leadership is one of the most damaging forces in any organisation. It undermines trust, kills motivation, and creates a culture of fear and blame.
When I raise the subject of toxicity people often think of examples of abusive and bullying forms of behaviour but usually it is far more subtle.
In a recent episode of The Lonely Leader Podcast, I explore what toxic leadership looks like and provide actionable steps for dealing with it.
Perhaps you are working for a toxic leader? Or perhaps you are worried that your own leadership might be veering off course, with elements of toxic behaviour creeping in?
What Does Toxic Leadership Look Like?
Toxicity in leadership can take many forms but here are three of the most common toxic behaviours I witness and which I focus on in the podcast.
Micromanagement: The leader who never trusts you to do your job. They need to control every little detail, leaving you feeling suffocated and undervalued.
Credit Theft: You do the work, they take the credit. A toxic leader will swoop in at the last minute to claim your success as their own.
Blame-Shifting: When things go wrong, it’s never their fault. These leaders are quick to throw others under the bus to save themselves.
How to Handle Toxic Leadership
In the podcast, I outline several strategies to protect yourself from the effects of toxic leadership. Here are a few of the suggestions I explore:
Set Boundaries: Learn to say “no” to unreasonable demands and protect your time and energy by establishing clear boundaries.
Document Everything: Keep records of your contributions so that when your work is misrepresented, you can calmly correct the situation.
Find Allies: Build support with your colleagues. Toxic leaders frequently seek to isolate their victims, but strength comes in numbers.
Invest in Your Development: Toxic environments can drain your confidence. Keep growing your skills and stay ready to move on if needed.
Listen Now
Episode 41 - Toxic Leadership: How to spot it and what to do about it.