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Writer's picture: James RuleJames Rule

Resilience can be defined as “The ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions”

All leaders will be required at some stage to lead themselves and their team through challenges and periods of adversity.

There are three major misconceptions I regularly encounter with new clients regarding how they view resilience.

Firstly a belief that it is innate. I passionately believe that we can all become more resilient if we employ the right tools and strategies.

Secondly that it is something you only need in times of crisis management.

“Resilience is not just about surviving the worst day of your life. It is for thriving every day of your life” Dr Rick Hansen

This quote reframes how we perceive resilience. Naturally, it is essential in times of crisis but as those scenarios hopefully do not occur very often it is easy to convince ourselves we do not need to work on it.

Like Dr Hansen I believe our level of resilience is critical in creating sustainable high performance in our personal and professional lives. As such its enhancement should warrant a consistent focus.

Thirdly Resilience is just about absorbing punishment.

“It is not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward” Rocky Balboa

This quote epitomises my old approach to displaying resilience. I learned through painful experience it is not just about taking the proverbial punches by working longer hours and increasing our working intensity. Eventually, something breaks usually in terms of our physical or mental health.

To truly enhance resilience we need to understand how to optimise our recovery. Without an ability to recover we may demonstrate resilience in the short term but longer-term we burn out.

At The Lonely Leader, we help debunk these misconceptions and provide the tools and insights gathered from our decades of C Suite leadership positions via our ‘Creating Unshakeable Resilience’ training programme.

To find out more about how we can help you and your staff please email the team at

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