As the impact of Covid-19 hit me particularly in a professional capacity, I was acutely aware of the need to protect my mindset.
The wisdom contained in the book '21 Rituals to Change your Life' surfaced in my consciousness and I reflected on what new rituals I could create that would assist in maintaining a positive outlook amidst all the fear and uncertainty.
It felt appropriate to begin with a focus on health, so as a family we resolved to take a daily walk together, which we would traditionally only do occasionally. In addition, we resolved to try and eat dinner as a family whenever schedules allowed and importantly that we would not have the TV on in the background.
Neither of these concepts were initially met with unbridled enthusiasm from my young daughters.

Those concepts have now become established rituals. The connectivity and conversations they have created have become a source of joy for all of us and as a consequence they are the parts of our day that we all look forward to.
These rituals have been integral in maintaining and indeed enhancing a positive mindset for each of us and have really highlighted that it can be the simplest of actions that can create the biggest results.#mindset#change#motivation#family