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Taking uncomfortable, imperfect action is the key to breaking through procrastination.

Writer's picture: James RuleJames Rule

“Take uncomfortable, imperfect action” was a piece of advice I received recently from a mentor called Dean Graziosi and it really struck a chord with me. As I reflected on that simple phrase I was struck by how it should be the rallying call for so many of us in various aspects of our lives.

How many of us allow the pursuit of perfection and the fear of discomfort lead us down a path of procrastination and ultimately to the dead end of complete inaction?

This completely resonates with me. I can easily obsess over building the perfect plan and strategy, whether it’s for improving my health or developing my business. However, by committing to taking action, even if it’s not the perfect and polished strategy you would ideally like to have in place, you build momentum. With that, you begin to receive feedback about what works and indeed doesn’t work. That in turn allows you to adapt your actions and fine tune your strategy.

With regard to discomfort, we often perceive it to be far worse than it ends up being in reality. By taking action we can meet the discomfort rather than just think about it. Invariably, we will find we are more than capable of dealing with it.

What is causing you to procrastinate? Is it a difficult conversation you need to have with a colleague, your boss, or a loved one? Perhaps the start of a new health regime? Whatever it is take imperfect and uncomfortable action and enjoy the satisfaction of producing the results that will come your way as a consequence.

I would love to hear your thoughts on whether this advice resonates with you in the same way it did with me? Please email us at

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