My recent trip to the Northumberland coast gave me a much needed break away from my screens.
The consequence of lockdowns and associated home working has meant that the vast majority of my coaching, training and mentoring has been delivered via Zoom and Teams.
I have always been a big advocate of taking the time to switch off from all things digital. It is as important now as it has ever been for all of us.
On our family holiday, I made a point of leaving my phone at the accomdation so that I could focus on spending quality time with my wife and children.
I also read and found quiet time to reflect with my notebook. Having returned home, I feel refreshed and have clarity of my goals and associated actions for the coming months.
When was the last time you made a conscious effort to put down your phone, step away from your laptop and attempt a digital detox? If it has been a while I highly recommend booking one into your diary.
It does not need to involve a holiday, it could start with a half day of a weekend and build from there.